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Saturday, 20 September 2014


1: Love your job. Absolutely essential! Do you hate filming? Then do something different. I am lucky enough to be doing what I love. I never believed this was possible growing up with a father who hated his job. I assumed that was what was expected. I never realised you could do something you loved and get paid. This is a wonderful creative career, and if you are making money in it they you are  lucky! 
2:If you are not getting creative satisfaction out of the work that pays, your bread and butter, what is stopping you making something that fires you up in your own free time? A huge amount of work on my site under films is just that. Personal films done to fulfill my creative urges. Doing these will make you happy and maybe you can bring some of that creativity into your  work? Trust me, without these personal outlets I would have felt stifled.
3: You don’t need a Red. You don’t need an Alexa, you don’t need a C300. Any camera will do, to a degree. Don’t listen to the chattering masses on the internet who say you MUST film on X camera as your Y camera is not professional. X camera has .5 stops more dynamic range and Y camera has more noise than camera X, using camera Y would be INSANE!  That is nonsense. Yes, some cameras will make your life easier and some will make your life harder. I don’t subscribe to the idea of using the lowest grade of camera you have because you are an artist and you can make anything shine. Use the best camera you have access to. The camera is NOT the most important thing. You and your ideas are. But don’t be a camera martyr and say “my work is what is important hence, not the camera.
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Item Reviewed: STEPS TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL VIDEO PRODUCER Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown
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